A digital place for people who access services, carers, staff and partner agencies, to share ideas around care co-ordination & care planning in mental health


Hello and welcome to the Planning Care Network; a place for people who access services, carers, staff and partner agencies, to share ideas around care coordination and care planning.

The Network is a single place for everyone to have conversations, this is a new approach and replaces a tradition of having separate conversations in separate places.  Hopefully, this will be an open place to share ideas, thoughts and experiences.  It’s a place where everyone can share what is going well and what can be better.

The Network is an initiative to engage better with people; to bring service and practice initiatives, together with the agendas of people that use services and their carers/supporters. There has been concern that more traditional ways of improving Planning Care have not reached the right people and have not had the positive effect that was envisaged.  So it’s time to do things differently; for this to work, your support is needed.

This approach won’t be without challenges; the first challenge will be encouraging people to comment.  Any ideas on that one please?

Some of the things you can expect to see on here are:-

  • The planning care work plan
  • Opportunities to get involved
  • Requests for your views and opinions
  • A quarterly ‘get together’ (yep, happy to hear what you want this to look like)
  • Feedback from events, meetings etc.

Over and above that, I would really like to hear from you; if you have a post to publish, send it to me at donna.kemp@nhs.net and I will post it on here.  This is an opportunity for you to share & pose questions.

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5. Press ‘post comment’.  That’s it, your comment will appear Ta-dah!

The serious stuff – guidance for  using this site  

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 Some Good Practice Tips:

  • Be careful about the personal details you post online;
  • Think about what you want to use your online profile for, applying appropriate security and preferences settings as necessary;
  • Keep your password safe and avoid obvious ones that others might easily guess;
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3. Click here for social media guidelines from our regulators and professional bodies.

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Comments on: "Welcome" (10)

  1. Maria said:

    Sorry it’se again but the whole renaming the cpa had me thinking all night. I absolutely stand by my previous post I do not think the title is so important but then I couldn’t help agree with previous posts.
    So my suggestion would be to call it a recovery plan as that’s what mine is to me.

    Thanks and sorry again for long posts,


  2. Hi there,

    For me personally the title really doesn’t matter. I don’t really care what my cpa is called its more about what it contains.was
    I have never found my cpa or crisis plan of any real help. They have always sounded generic, like it could have been written about anyone with the same diagnoses.
    In times of crisis I would often look at my crisis plan hoping to find some answers but often felt frustrated by the lack of information or relevance to myself.
    For me it’s been a document that has stated others thoughts, opinions and expectations of myself without any involvement from me. This has really bothered me especially recently as I have been struggling immensely and been truly desperate for some answers or help. I then addressed this with my CPN who agreed to allow me to write my own cpa and crisis plan.

    So inset to work on one of the most challenging things I’ve ever had to write. It was incredibly difficult to be objective but personal at the same time, like thinking outside the box whilst having the completely knowledge and understanding of what’s inside.
    I was forced to really think abouy me and what my illness means to me everyday not just in crisis. I had to really think about what goes on for me as well as what I hope for my future. I had to think what is helpful, effective and supportive not just whaen I am struggling but every day too.
    It took me a long time to get it all down on paper exactly how I wanted representing but I finally finished with a sigh of relief.

    As I read it back I felt completely liberated and empowered, this was the single greatest things services had ever done for me. I had been given the opportunity to have my say, to be included in my plan, my life. I was making decisions and choices, it was in everyone else hands. It felt amazing and I am proud of how I have written both cpa and crisis plan because I know no matter who reads it they will get a real sense of me and not just a summary of a diagnoses, they will have a clear yet brief understanding of myself, what’s is helpful, unhelpful and how best to support me at that time.
    It is clear and a document I know I will benefit from greatly now because it’s personal and things I know will help. I will be able to take from it daily but more importantly when I am truly struggling to see things clearly and rationally. It’ll be my voice of reason when I can no longer hear it myself.

    I don’t feel the title is important I think the content is what really matters and that we as service users have our say in our lives after all know one knows us better than we know ourselves.

    Sorry for rambling, thanks,
    Wish every one well,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for sharing your experience Maria. Sounds like writting your own care plan and crisis plan was perfect for you; delighted that it has had such a positive impact.


      • Thanks,
        It really was, I’m so grateful I had the opportunity. It meant a lot my cpn felt able to give me the chance to have my say.
        I am lucky to have such a great team really.


        Ps I apologies for the many mistakes within my post.


  3. Having been in the mental health system for most of my life (my first doctors visit being when I was just 8 years old) I feel I qualify to comment on this. I think care programme approach sounds far too clinical and restrictive. Care and recovery for everyone (CARE) would be a more suitable name as it offers hope that there is recovery and everyone suggests its not specific to a ‘select group of people’ Having had stigma surrounding me all my life, it is only now that I am embracing and speaking out can I accept and be proud that I have become the person I have become because I have bipolpar and depression, not everyone has come this far and we need to be sensitive to their feelings. At the recent mental health foundation meeting in Harrogate the name CPA was broached again (this seems to be a common theme here that people DO NOT LIKE THE TITLE CPA) so whilst most other aspects of mental ill health are being tackled why not the terminology of the names used for the ‘paperwork’? I do not know if the title CPA will ever be changed, this is just my point of view and my ideas, but when you have no hope, no life, feeling in the depths of darkness and despair, just the slightest glimmer of hope, without stigma, is all I asked when I was in that black hole. I know there is hope now. I know things can get better. I know I have come off medication having been on it over 25 years and been told I would be on it for the rest of my life. Lets share the hope to others who are not there yet. Lets make them see there is chance to recover, that even if they have given up hoping, we haven’t given up on our CARE of them.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Being an RMN and a service user I have been looking at this with both my hats on. As a nurse I don’t think it really matters what we call it from our perspective, the important thing is that it is completed holistically and realistically.
    As a patient I think CPA can be misleading – Care Programme Approach sounds like so much public sector flannel and when it is explained to you you do sort of turn round and think “well yeah, but I expect you to use care planning in order to support me”.
    I like the suggestions that have been put forward that make the whole thing sound more patient/service user orientated. These feel more empowering to the person using the service; it makes it feel more like “yeah this is about me, and the people that support me” rather than “this is what the health professionals say I should do”.
    Equally I don’t like the “Life Plan” and “Moving Forward” type suggestions; to me these sound patronising. When you suffer from mental health issues the last thing you want to feel is that your mental health is ruling your life. Your “Life Plan” is about friends, family, children, holidays etc, things that you take mental snapshots of to cherish. You wouldn’t ask an asthmatic or someone with breast cancer to title their health plan “My Life Plan”. So why expect people with mental health issues to do the same?
    Ultimately, although the CPA Care Plan is a focal point it is simply a component of recovery and of people’s lives, therefore needs to be equally proportionate between positivity and reality. By this I mean it should convey the fact that it is a care plan, but imply hope and positivity. There is no doubt the current title needs simplifying and reorientating back to the service user, but let’s not go too far and make assumptions that this will be the defining document/plan of people’s lives.


    • Hi

      Thank you for sharing insights from 2 perspectives, it’s good to get a rounded view. I will add to the other comments about the CPA Care Plan name.


  5. catherine mason said:

    I would like the CPA to be renamed the Care and Recovery Plan
    Which encompasses the holistic approach to the client.


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