A digital place for people who access services, carers, staff and partner agencies, to share ideas around care co-ordination & care planning in mental health

Posts tagged ‘Mencap’

Leeds learning disability week June 16th-20th

LD Awareness week

World Cup 5-a-side tournament, picnic in the park, photography competition – just a few examples of what’s going on in this busy week of campaigning and awareness raising in Leeds, visit the website here for more events and the details.

Nationally, Mencap are asking ‘Do you remember your first time?’, inviting the sharing of stories and experiences of overcoming adversity, prejudice and ignorance to experience some fab firsts. Click here for more information about how to share your story.

Tag Cloud

Open Minded Online

sharing ideas and resources about holistic approaches to emotional and social wellbeing

Dr Sally Pezaro

This is the research blog of Dr Sally Pezaro. Dr Pezaro is working to secure excellence in perinatal services. Specialist interests include workforce, gender and midwifery research.

The Mental Nurse

The inane ramblings of a mental health nurse in the UK.

Academic Irregularities

Critical university studies, discourse and managerialism


Sharing all things mental health nursing

The Academic Triangle

Teaching, Research and Admin


The evolving tale of my PhD as it happens

Blogs on Nursing

Nursing, Nursing politics, Leadership, anything.

gate: The General Assessment Tool

The General Assessment Tool

Graeme Cumming

Author, Speaker, Blogger

Patient Leader

My continuing journey as a Patient Leader

Mental Health Cop

A venn diagram of policing, mental health and criminal justice

Critical Mental Health Nurses' Network

Committed mental health nurses asking questions about mental health nursing

A Caring Mind

A blog for carers of mental health

Stuck On Social Work

and what a great place to be